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Thursday, 25 September 2014


Some of my videos are up on YouTube. A bit out of order of producing them but I often go back to old works to see if I can take it further forward or it's going full circle back to work!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

What's in the Pantry?

Very excited to start work with the wonderful group 'The Pantry Project'. Two workshops coming up in Porstmouth & Brighton. I shall be drawing on my experience in the fashion industry for this piece of work. Lots of running around jumble sales and charity shops to stock up on items to use. 
Also been looking at using food as makeup. Found some really useful and interesting ways to create a face of makeup, I'll be stocking up on beetroot and cocoa powder to experiment with. Very excited about the workshops. I shall upload some old performance piece I did several years ago that are connected to the my current practice... It's seems I've come full circle to the issues I ultimately feel drawn to and passionate about. I am no longer producing work to meet Uni requirements or fitting the mould at Uni. It's time to be more carefree and playful with my practice, something I am re-inspired to pick up again after a break for actually creating any works. Watch this space....