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Tuesday, 29 November 2011

After having a tutorial with Mo Thrope, Jane Madsen then a group crit at my fine art studio practice group i meet with once a month at the Working Men's College (where i previously studied my access course) i am now confued as to what to do with 'Doll face'. I have been given 3 different sets of feedback and advice as to where to take it....this often happens with tutors i find, everyone has different opinion and feedback and ideas of how to push it forward and it just confuses me. I suppose i should just go with what i feel the piece should do and take the bits of feedback that i feel the best!!??
One thing that is helpful is when asking for direction and feedback is when a tutor actually knows your previous work i think, its hard for them to see how i've progressed, digressed or gone in a completely different direction.... i think my piece 'Doll face' (also now known as princess because i have trouble with givong them a title), has gone too far, i think i've lost my sense of me within the work, i think maybe i am trying to please others with the work, trying to please the institution too much!? Having looked back and reflected on previous work i think i was producing stronger work and work that was true to me way back on my access course and in the begginign of my first year at chelsea. So i am going to revisit these pieces and see how i can be true to myself and continue with them confidently!?
So im going to strip 'dollface/princess back to the bare bones, take each of the pieces within it and play with them individually.
I want to use the catwalk model and continue to edit her, make her more repetative, scratchy and create an uncomfortable, unbearable feeling. Then i want to find a way of possibly installing it with projection and mirrors so the viewer then becomes a part of the piece by refleting in the mirror< will play witht this.
I want to rework "The Wardrobe' and see where i can take it.
I am frustrated that i am being made to work on several piece's at once, one for film elective and one for unit6 assessment, i want to work on one piece at once as i find it more intense and satisfiying and i dont like the time limits being set, i am hping i can be assessed on work in progress but then i realise we are supposed to be exhibiting a piece for assessment. I dont feel i have anything satisfactory for exhibtion to date.
Basically fairly frustrated at present!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Images from latest video piece-Doll face

Living Dolls and Bodies

I've been reading 'Living Dolls - The return of sexism' by Natasha Walter and re-reading 'Bodies' by Susie Orbach as i feel these are relevant to my practice right now and will hopefully help in my essay. I am focused at present on the chapter 'Princesses' in 'Living Dolls', its helped inform my latest video piece, which as i said in previous post is about beauty and age along with the way in which women are shaped within today's society.
Natasha Walter talks of how children are bombarded in today's society (this new generation) by a very strong divide in what is male and what is female, the rise of the Disney store has had a huge impact along with toy manufacturing in general. As an example, she speaks of Hamley's toy store " When my daughter was four, i remember taking my first trip to Hamleys toy store in London. There, the floors are absolutely divided; as you rise up the escalator you go into a pink and silver world of Barbies, tutu's and fairies.' (p:131). She goes into further depth but basically is talking about how advertising and mass marketing has divided the male and female from a young age in this generation, and this is so obviously true as i see it.
In Susie Orbach's book 'Bodies' i am re-reading the chapter on 'Bodies real and not so real' (starts p:77) which focuses on the beauty and fashion industries and their power to affect women today in society. How we are obsessed with perfection and chasing the fantasy that we see around us in film, air brushes models in magazines and celebrity lifestyle.

Looking back to create new

I've been reflecting back and looking at previous works i've done since i started my access course all the way through to more recent work done this year, to see where i am going and what can be re-worked and  improved. It's sparked off a new piece (Doll Face) in which i am looking at the same issues that have flowed through all my previous work, that's looking at the female and how she is shaped within our society, the pressure and beliefs of what a woman should be. It also brings up issues of age and beauty. I have been creating a video piece with my previous video work and new filming edited into, to convey these questions and comments.